Carney 三联征是一种罕见的综合征,包括胃肠道间质瘤、肾上腺外副神经节瘤和肺软骨瘤,以及新增加的肾上腺腺瘤和食管平滑肌瘤。只有 25-30% 的病例完全表现出三联征,大多数患者表现出该综合征的三个部分中的两个。野生型琥珀酸脱氢酶缺陷型胃肠道间质瘤是 Carney 三联征中最常见的组成部分,通常是多中心和多灶性的。它通常表现出惰性行为和对伊马替尼的耐药性;因此,治疗仍然以手术为主。肺软骨瘤通常是单侧和多发的,生长缓慢,因此可以进行保守治疗。20% 的患者患有肾上腺皮质腺瘤,通常被检测为偶发瘤。
一名 49 岁的亚洲男性因上消化道出血就诊,并被诊断为多发性胃琥珀酸脱氢酶缺陷型胃肠道间质瘤。经评估,他患有左肺软骨瘤和非分泌性肾上腺腺瘤,从而完成了 Carney 三联征。他接受了袖状胃切除术和胃窦肿瘤结节切除术,同时密切跟踪肾上腺和肺部肿瘤的情况。
Carney 三联征于 1977 年首次被描述,定义为三种肿瘤的联合:胃上皮样平滑肌肉瘤(后来被确认为胃肠道间质瘤 (GIST))、肾上腺外副神经节瘤和肺软骨瘤 [1]。随后,又将另外两种肿瘤添加到该综合征中:肾上腺腺瘤和食管平滑肌瘤 [2]。
Carney 三联征中的 GIST 在临床、病理和行为方面均不同于 Zhanget al.[3] 所描述的散发性 GIST。Carney 三联征中的 GIST 主要见于 20 多岁的年轻女性。最常见的原发部位是胃,而胃部最常发生的部位是胃窦。它们是多中心和多灶性的,并且有转移至淋巴结的倾向。病理学上,它们大多具有上皮样形态。它们在 cKIT 和 PDGFRA 突变检测中通常为阴性,但缺乏琥珀酸脱氢酶 (SDH)。行为上,这些肿瘤生长缓慢,通常对伊马替尼有耐药性 [3]。在 Carneyet al. 的一系列研究中,19 名患者接受了伊马替尼治疗,只有 1 名患者出现部分反应 [4]。这些肿瘤的预后并不取决于肿瘤大小和有丝分裂计数等传统因素 [4]。即使诊断出转移,结果仍然难以预测,许多患者表现出惰性。
大多数患者会出现三种症状中的两种,即不完全的卡尼三联征。只有 25-30% 的患者会完全表现出所有三种肿瘤的三联征。在 72 名患者的系列研究中,最常见的肿瘤是胃肠道间质瘤 (75%),其次是肺软骨瘤 (15%) 和副神经节瘤 (10%) [2]。
研究发现,编码SDH亚基的基因在启动子和外显子区域含有多个CpG岛。Haller等人发现,编码SDHB和SDHC亚基基因位点的这些岛存在异常高甲基化,提示表观遗传机制在疾病发病机制中发挥作用 [5]。在一项分析Carney三联征患者基因的研究中,Matyakhina等人报告称,SDHB、SDHC、SDHD、c-KIT和PDGFRA基因均未发现种系突变。该研究中最重要的发现是1q12-q21缺失,通过比较基因组杂交(CGH)发现该区域包含SDHC基因 [6]。然而,在另一项研究中,Boiko等人发现不到10%的Carney三联征患者发生SDHx基因种系突变并影响蛋白质功能 [7]。
The patient is a 49-year old Asian male who presented to us with complaints of pain abdomen, hematemesis, and melena (Table1). He underwent an endoscopic evaluation that revealed multiple gastric antral and fundal nodules, and biopsy from the antral nodule was suggestive of GIST. The patient was evaluated by contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) of the abdomen, which revealed two well-circumscribed mildly enhancing exophytic masses involving proximal fundus measuring 3.4 × 2 cm and 10 × 8 cm in size and another single lesion involving the pylorus (Fig.1). Moreover, the lower lobe of the left lung showed three well-defined soft tissue lesions with dense and coarse calcifications along with multiple bilateral peribronchovascular nodules. A radiological impression of multiple gastric GISTs along with left pulmonary chondromas with a background of infective infiltrates was made. Keeping the possibility of Carney’s triad, a gallium [DOTA,1-Nal3]-octreotide (DOTANOC) scan was performed, which a revealed hypodense nodule of size 9 × 8 mm in the body of the left adrenal gland, suggestive of an adrenal adenoma (Fig.2). The adrenal adenoma was non-secretory, with absence of hypertension or Cushingoid features and no biochemical evidence of urinary and serum cortisol or catecholamine excess. Intraoperative findings in the stomach were two antral and three fundal nodules for which sleeve gastrectomy and wide excision of the antral nodules was done (Fig.3). The rest of the bowel was found free of tumor nodules. The adrenal adenoma has been kept under observation because of spontaneous reduction in size and non-secretory nature. Histopathology of the tumor specimen yielded findings of tumor tissue with epithelioid cells morphologically and cluster of differentiation (CD) 117 and Discovered on GIST-1 (DOG-1) were strongly positive (Fig.4).SDH Bwas found deficient on immunohistochemistry (IHC) (Fig.5). The patient is doing well after surgery and is now on regular follow-up by imaging and endoscopic evaluation.
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